From Busch to Wrigley
By John Chagaris College AP
June 13, 2005
Last week was a week I was looking forward to for a long time, that's right being able to see The Red Sox play in Busch Stadium for the first time since the 2004 World Series, I know that reads like I was at the Stadium for the World Series but we all know that I wasn't, and to see the first time ever the Sox would play the Cubs at Wrigley. Unlike my trip from hell last year when I went to Cape Cod, this might have been the greatest trip I've ever been on.
The day started early on Wednesday morning having to wake up to get to the airport for an 8 O'clock flight, at least the flight attendant on Southwest was an absolute riot with quotes such as "If you need help hit your call attendant button and a disinformed I mean uniformed attendant will assist you." Once arriving in St. Louis, after about an hour layover at Chicago Midway, myself and Bob, a frequent reader of this column, had the choice to take a Taxi to the Radisson (God I hope I spelled that right otherwise Anna will be allover me) which would have ran $40, or take the Metro link to 8th and Pine and only pay $4 (since we got an all day ticket) wow that was an easy choice. After checking in and going up to our room, 608, we begin to unpack when Bob has the great idea to open the shades and look at the view and the view might have been the greatest hotel view I've ever had. That's right a picture perfect view of the Arch. After visiting the Arch we looked at the clock and decided it was time to head over to Busch, we went to get our tickets at the ticket window, that's right four seats in Section 256, well we could only use two tickets but that's another story for another day. Before we were able to get our tickets because for some reason you have to wait until an hour before a game to get player's tickets, we walked by gate 3 I believe, and looked at the construction at the new Busch Stadium. I personally cannot wait until next season to come back to St. Louis just to see the new stadium. The only drawback of the game was that it poured, and we're not talking about a little nice sprinkle, I felt like I needed to go and build an arc. While it was raining myself and Bob snuck into the back ticket lobby right near the clubhouses where we were able to meet a lot of great fans and the one and only Joe Buck, who is my favorite current announcer. The two highlights of the game were David Ortiz’s home run which sparked a 3 run rally in the sixth inning and Edgah’s home run in the 9th which helped shut up a guy who was all over Rent all night. I quickly was reminded of how nice the St. Louis fans are and they truly are the best fans in the game. It was well worth staying for a game that was quicker than the rain delay, can’t wait to head back next season to see the new Busch.
Thursday started with a trip back to the airport. If you’ve never been on the metro link then you wouldn’t know the policy of getting a ticket. You get a ticket and you just seem to walk on and your ticket is never checked, so I decide to get a ticket to get back to the airport because I’m a nice guy but Bob refuses saying if they’re not checked anyway why bother? Well we get on, me with my ticket and him without one and wouldn’t you know there was somebody going around to check tickets. We quickly jumped off at the next station which was Stadium, nice to see Busch again. After getting to the airport and flying to Chicago we were greeted with a subway system unlike all subway systems. At least in St. Louis you knew the train would be there every ten minutes, well not in Chicago, they had a mind of their own and while waiting for a train back to the airport on Saturday we waited 22 minutes, insane. Finally after taking the train to the redline and switching to Grand we walked the three blocks to our hotel, the Best Western of Chicago, room 1606, they loved giving us rooms that ended in 06, After we checked in we went to one of my favorite places to eat, that’s right an ESPN Zone. If you’ve never been to an ESPN Zone, what are you waiting for? After our meal we went into the arcade where I quickly blew $26 playing games such as slap shot where I had to shoot pucks past a goalie, a game where you tried to strike out a batter, I tried Big Mac and Bob tried the Philly Phantic, and both of them took us yard, played Madden on a big, big, big screen, shot some hoops, threw a few touchdowns and even bowled, there is something here for everybody. After a trip to the Navy Peer we had Pizza at easily the best Pizzeria place I have ever been in, Lou Malnati’s. the small 9” Sausage Pizza was so filling I could only eat 1.5 out of the 4 slices.
Friday started with lunch at the Hard Rock Café and then it was off to Wrigleyville. It didn’t take long for me to get angry at somebody at Wrigley as they told me after I paid $5 for a program if I wanted a scorecard I would have to pay an extra $2, well being stupid I paid the extra 2 and was pissed when I was thumbing through my program and found a scorecard, damn Cubbies. I won’t even begin to talk about the game , even through Ortiz hit two homeruns, and I got to see Maddux hit a home run. It may have been because it was a blowout but Wrigley just didn’t have the atmosphere as a Busch stadium. Friday night we went to a place were I had the best steak I have ever had, Harry Carry’s. The Filet I had was to die for, and what made the place even better was that I got to meet Sox second basemen Mark Bellhorn. Great atmosphere at Harry Carry’s, singing Take me out to the Ballgame on the hour in the bar each hour, and watching the Cardinals kill the Yankees, it was a blast.
On Saturday we had the honor of going back to Midway, if you’ve never flown from Midway here’s a suggestion, pack so you don’t need to check your luggage. The wait to check our luggage was very long and if we would have arrived 10 minutes later we would have missed our flight home.
Overall it was a great trip and I can’t wait to head back to St. Louis to see Busch next season, it was great having to eat the cost of two tickets this year but whatever.
At 9:17 PM,
cerri said…
the arch is overrated. sucks to be in it too, but yeah the new stadium is gonna be amazing
At 6:30 PM,
cerri said…
I want the tagboard back!!!!
At 9:36 PM,
Justin said…
I think we should boycott the blog if the tagboard doesn't return
At 10:31 AM,
~Chaggy said…
go ahead and boycott
At 12:20 PM,
cerri said…
but then that would just be tragic, you'd have no readers.
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