Friday, April 29, 2005
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
I forgot
I forgot to send a happy birthday wish out to not only my mom, Sherry Chagaris, but also a happy birthday to my wife, Maria Sharapova. If you want a laugh listen to this song, Click here, Anna this probably isn't for you.
Bush or Monkey Yeah
For those fans of The Late Show with David Letterman would know the segment called Trump or Monkey yeah, well on a spin on it it is Bush or Monkey yeah, enjoy. Oh and Justin or anyother diehard Bush fans, you should look away now.

Sunday, April 17, 2005
SNL was doing the Brady Shuffle
Tom Brady, Super Bowl MVP to SNL Host
By John Chagaris, College AP
April 17, 2005
NEW YORK -- When I first heard that Tom Brady, quarterback of the New England Patriots, was going to be the host of Saturday Night Live, I knew this was going to be a show I was going to have to go and see. The opening monologue with Brady was priceless, it made the Bears Super Bowl Shuffle look like a Junior Varsity playing against the state champion. One problem I have is, a two time Super Bowl MVP and three time Super Bowl Champion dresses in a sport coat, shirt, tie, and jeans? This is not a good start for Mr. Tom Brady let's hope he can win some points back, because a few fans were ready to throw a red flag at his dress code and get a new outfit. Then the carnival when Tom could not throw a ball into a hole. Only somebody like Tom could poke fun at himself in this way.
Moreover, what is this relationship between Rachael Dratch and Tom Brady? During the opening Rachael and Tom were batting their eyes at each other and then they are a couple on Dr. Phil. Rachael, you know that I have a ton of respect for you seeing you were one of my dad's students way back in Lexington, MA, but you're doing something that many people in the NFL cannot do and that is hit Tom Brady. During this segment Tom continued to make a fool out of himself not knowing which questions from "Dr. Phil" were real questions and which ones were fake and the ending like of looking into Rachael's eyes and instead of saying I love you Jamie said Dr. Phil loves me.
The Falconer scene really did not deal with Brady and how fitting that Snickers Cruncher (a major sponsor for the NFL) is the main focus. TV Fun house was yet another funny skit, Sexual Harassment and you. Tom Brady was classic in TV Fun House being "handsome, Attractive and don't be unattractive" and then the message was directed that you can go and say anything from grabbing a woman's breast to walking around in your underwear.
Brady as a Middle Eastern cuisine was classic. Tom Brady's Falafel City with the parody of The Beach Boy's Barbra Ann was picture perfect. In addition, my question was is the difference between the Vets office and a Middle Eastern eatery?
We are a third of the way through the show and never has the cast been this on their game or looked this happy and pumped up since Dwayne Johnson hosted during his two-time tour. Brady Passing Rating so far 1/3 of the way through; *** 1/2
An ok performance by Beck, I heard that they did a better job during the sound check but I thought they were fine, but not being a huge Beck fan I would not know what they sound like normally.
Amy and Tina then come out for weekend update, which has to be my favorite segment each week, well since they got rid of Celebrity Jeopardy. And line of the night so far has to be Dumb-Dumb and Yo-yo talking about Kevin and Britney after the Panda comment, SNL continues to have the best writers. I was just shocked that Tom Brady was not involved at all in Weekend update, he is I believe only the third host this season not to have even a small role on Weekend update, for a host doing so well why did they keep him out for a segment that bored the crowd to death. Half Time Brady Passing rating was *** 1/2 still.
The show seemed to jump the shark during the night before Uncle Scott's wedding. For such a strong show thus far, all momentum was thrown down the toilet during this skit.
The night has gone from bad to worse, the Super Bowl Shuffle was an idea that I had an idea was going to happen at the start of the show when Tom began singing, but never did I expect the trainreck that developed. If SNL was only an hour and the last two segments were cut this would have been a fantastic show, but now with twenty minutes left, and we know one segment will be with Beck performing, Brady and the SNL crew need to go into a two minute drill to wake up the audience and keep viewers.
Just when you thought the show could not get worse it did with the Oak room segment. We have already proved that Brady cannot sing so having him sing a few quick notes wasn't that great, and could he play the soprano saxophone anymore incorrect? It got funny when he stopped playing and a few more notes came out so he threw the reed back in his mouth to play a note and the notes stopped when if he was playing they would have continued.
The quarterback scene could not have come at a better time and might have saved a bad rating by me, having "Manning, and McNabb and Mrs. McNabb" in a bit with Brady was classic. It pointed out what all Patriot fans know, and that is, sure Brady does not have the stats that Manning and McNabb have but he does have what neither of them have and those are super bowl rings.
Overall, this is one of the better SNL hosting jobs that has been done in a while, and would have been picture perfect if it was not for the last two real skits, not including the quarterback skit. And Live from New York, I was John Chagaris, a sports blog update will follow later today or tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Damn I'm not going to get crap for this or anything

Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?
Why do I put myself through things like this? And how when I took this test did I end up coming with Kelly, the description is a bit of an airhead, ok I can see that but I'm pretty and popular, umm. I'll have a longer update later this week.
by George Carlin
I Am Your Worst Nightmare. I am a BAD American. I am George Carlin.
I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family, not some mid level governmental functionary be it Democratic or Republican!
I'm in touch with my feelings and I like it that way, damn it!
I think owning a gun doesn't make you a killer, it makes you a smart American.
I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, and does not entitle you to anything.
I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac, try to do it in English.
I think fireworks should be legal on the 4th of July.
I think that being a student doesn't give you any more enlightenment than working at Blockbuster. In fact, if your parents are footing the bill to put your pansy ass through 4 years plus of college, you haven't begun to be enlightened.
I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God when and where they want to.
My heroes are John Wayne, Babe Ruth, Roy Rogers, and whoever canceled Jerry Springer.
I don't hate the rich. I don't pity the poor.
I know wrestling is fake and I don't waste my time arguing about it.
I think global warming is a big lie. Where are all those experts now, when I'm freezing my ass off during these long winters and paying, paying, paying?
I've never owned a slave, or was a slave, I didn't wander forty years In the desert after getting chased out of Egypt. I haven't burned any witches or been persecuted by the Turks and neither have you! So, shut-the-Hell-up already.
I want to know which church is it exactly where the Reverend Jesse Jackson practices, where he gets his money, and why he is always part of the problem and not the solution. Can I get an AMEN on that one?
I think the cops have every right to shoot your sorry ass if you're running from them.
I also think they have the right to pull your ass over if you're breaking the law, regardless of what color you are.
And, no, I don't mind having my face shown on my drivers license. I think it's good.....and I'm proud that "God" is written on my money.
I think if you are too stupid to know how a ballot works, I don't want you deciding who should be running the most powerful nation in the world for the next four years.
I dislike those people standing in the intersections trying to sell me crap or trying to guilt me into making "donations" to their cause. These people should be targets.
I believe that it doesn't take a village to raise a child, it takes two parents.
And what the hell is going on with gas prices... again?
If this makes me a BAD American, then yes, I'm a BAD American.
And one very funny piece from;
The first 'I' in Cincinnati was missing on the uniform front of pitcher Aaron Harang Tuesday night in Busch Stadium according to the DAYTON DAILY NEWS and the spelling appeared: "Cncinnati."
These days the Cincinnati Reds can't even buy a vowel.
By the third inning, the 'I' magically appeared — Harang put on a fresh jersey — but it was after the St. Louis Cardinals scored three runs in the second inning en route to a 5-1 victory.
"That's the last time I wear that jersey," Harang said.
Harang wore the same jersey for the first four days of this trip, but wore a jacket on top of it so nobody noticed.
"After the first inning, I came to the dugout and saw (pitchers) Paul Wilson and Eric Milton looking at me funny," said Harang.
"What up with that?" said Wilson.
"What?" said Harang.
"Your jersey."
Said Harang, "I thought I spilled something on it but Paul said, 'Cincinnati is spelled wrong.' "
Equipment manager Rick Stowe took the blame, especially because the game was televised.
"The clubhouse guy from Arizona called me and said, 'What kindergarten did you fail?' " said Stowe. "I always check the back of the jerseys for the players' names, but never thought about the front."
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Random News and Notes
Baseball's back
By John Chagaris, College AP
April 3, 2005
Hamden, CT -- Baseball is back and it could not have come sooner for this baseball fan. But my first question has to be, will the worst team money can buy [The Mets] ever win a game? 0-5 is not the way that anybody expected them to start, sure I said they were going to do bad but I don't know if anybody was going honestly say they would start 0-5. A surprise to a lot of people but does not surprise me is that the Red Sox are 2-3. Sox fans who know me know how little respect I have given David Wells and I gave him two chances to prove me wrong, but he made me sound more right than I ever could have been. The Blue Jays roster this year is not that bad, and they deserve a lot of respect, when a team is able to put together back-to-back-to-back home runs people need to notice. Vernon Wells, Corey Koskie, and Shea Hillenbrand accomplished this feat in the third inning.
``Guys are getting good at-bats,'' Zaun said. ``We don't have a Sosa, McGwire or even a Delgado anymore, but two guys like Hillenbrand and Koskie could hit 25 a piece to make up for that.''
Those like me who did not give the Blue Jays any chance because they lost Carlos Delgado need to begin to rethink our rankings. This was the first time since 2001 that the Blue Jays have hit back-to-back-to-back jacks.
``You thought (Wells) would be able to come back and make that adjustment (after the first home run),'' Boston interim manager Brad Mills said. ``But I have to tip my hat to him, he really made some adjustments after and pitched well.''
I won't tip my hat off to Wells, instead why don't I rip his hat off and throw him in the streets. His two starts have been pathetic, today he gave up 6 runs in 6.1 innings pitched while on opening day against the Yankees he allowed 4 runs on 10 hits in 4.1 innings pitched. His ERA this season is a pathetic 8.44.
``If you don't make the pitches that's what happens -- you give up runs,'' said Wells. ``You've got to get the bad ones out of the way, I guess.''
You guess? For those who are now second guessing Theo for this signing and who doubted me, 4 quick words, I told you so. And the countdown begins, 3 weeks until May 1st, which you will remember is the date when I predict that he will be injured and out for the rest of the season. But I might be proven wrong. Yes he might not be injured by May 1st, because he'll be benched or released by that date if Schilling can come back. The pitching rotation should be; Schilling, Bronson, Wake, Clement, and then Miller when they come back but right now they should stay with the four man rotation like they are doing. Tomorrow will mark the second series that the Red Sox will lose as Matt clement faces Ted Lilly. Theo, do us all a favor and get rid of the overweight, overpaid, under achieving, good-for-nothing David Wells. It's only April so the Sox have hope if they get rid of David, other wise this season can be thrown down a well.
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Day one is in the books
Final Four becomes the Final two
By John Chagaris, College AP
April 3, 2005
ST. LOUIS (Hamden, CT) -- As the song by Queen states, another one bites the dust. Just a few weeks ago we were grinning over our brackets on selection Sunday trying to decide who would make it to St. Louis, who would make it to the final four, and who then would play for the championship on Championship Monday. The hype was there for two incredible basketball games but nothing could live up to last weekend.
The score going into half time of the Louisville v. Illinois game left fans wondering if this would turn out to be another instant classic. 31-28, sure Louisville was down, but they have been down so often that they should be able to make a come back. Larry O'Bannon from Louisville then comes out and fifteen seconds into the second half ties the game up at 31. Just over a minute later after Dee Brown fouled Larry O'Bannon, Larry hit two free throws to give the Cardinals a 33-31 lead. That lead would last 30 seconds, and was the last time the Cardinals would lead all season.
After all the hype about oh Dee Brown, Dee Brown, the two men from Illinois who turned it on was Roger Powell Jr. and Luther Head. Illinois fighting Illini are a team of destiny, Louisville shuts down Dee Brown but Head and Powell Jr. both are able to throw down 20 points. And 13 of Powell Jr.'s points came in the second half.
"It was difficult. We didn't pitch a perfect game, but we hung in there as long as we could. We faulted to a better basketball team," Petino said. "Being disappointed is when you get knocked out in the first round. When you go to the Final Four, if there's any disappointment, then you can't appreciate the game as you should."
Illinois moved on to face the winner of the Michigan State v. UNC game and fans did not give Michigan State that much of a chance, but they came out hungry. If anybody would have told you at the start of the game that Michigan state would be beating UNC 38-33 at halftime you would have thought they were nuts. In fact Michigan State held the lead until 18:24 in the second half when Jawad Williams slammed the ball home to give UNC a 39-38 lead. After two free throws by Maurice Ager, Rashad McCants came down the floor and hit a two point jump shot. Another two free throws by Michigan state would give them their final lead of the season as Raymon Felton came down, hit a three and UNC started to run with it.
Down the stretch when they needed it the most, Michigan state could not make key stops and could not pull down the offensive rebounds.
What fueled UNC was an ear full that coach Roy Williams gave his team at halftime.
``The first half, I didn't think it was North Carolina out there,'' Williams said.
He would not get into details over what he said but Raymond Felton said, "he got his point across, let me put it like that."
The Tar Heels picked up their game a lot as they out rebounded the Spartans 27-16 in the second half.
``In the first half, we executed the game plan about as well as we have all year,'' Michigan State coach Tom Izzo said. ``We really dug in on May. Williams went off a little bit, but we got every loose ball. We got after it defensively. We fell apart a little bit."
That match up is set for this Monday night, tell your friends, unplug your phone, UNC is going up against Illinois. Roy Williams is going to be trying to make a statement as Illinois tries to do something it has never done and that is winning a National Championship, while setting the single season winning record in NCAA men's basketball history.
As John Fogerty once wrote, "Well beat the drum and hold the phone
The sun came out today
We're born again, there's new grass on the field
A-roundin' third and headed for home
It's a brown-eyed handsome man
Anyone can understand the way I feel
Put me in Coach
I'm ready to play today
Put me in Coach
I'm ready to play today
Look at me
I can be
Well is spent some time in the Mudville Nine
Watchin' it from the bench
You know I took some lumps when the Mighty Case struck out
So say Hey Willie tell the Cobb
And Joe DiMaggio
Don't say it ain't so
You know the time is now
Put me in Coach
I'm ready to play today
Put me in Coach
I'm ready to play today
Look at me
I can be
Got a beat-up glove, a homemade bat,
And a brand new pair of shoes
You know I think it's time
To give this game a ride
Just to hit the ball and touch 'em all
A moment in the sun
It's gone and you can tell that one goodbye
Put me in Coach
I'm ready to play today
Put me in Coach
I'm ready to play today
Look at me
I can be
tonight the Red Sox and Yankees begin the Major League Baseball season the way that it should be started, in New York City, and not in Japan. At the end of last season fans would probably expect to see Curt Schilling going up against Mike Mussina in the game, how times have changed in just a few months.
A trade for Randy Johnson and a David Wells signing later and we have a pitching match up that only the God's of Baseball could have created. And for the first time since 1919, the Red Sox enter the season the defending World Series Champions.
``We don't think about defending anything,'' Red Sox catcher Jason Varitek said. ``We think about what we have to do to win one game at a time. Last year is last year. The opener is just one game.''
Jason Varitek sounds like he should be with another Boston Team (the Patriots) instead of the drinking idiots of the Red Sox. The man who may make a difference in this rivalry is the newest Yankee pitcher, Randy Johnson.
``Anything less than winning a World Series isn't acceptable,'' Johnson said. ``When I go to spring training with any other team, it's extreme optimism that we're going to do well. You come here, anything less than getting to the World Series and winning it would be considered failing.''
The Red Sox starting rotation looks nothing like the starting rotation of last season. Last season the Sox rotation was Pedro Martinez, Curt Schilling, Tim Wakefield, Bronson Arroyo and Derek Lowe. Fast forward one year and now instead of Martinez and Lowe you see David Wells and Matt Clement. The Sox also had a whole cast of Shortstops last season from Pokey Reese to Nomar Garciaparra to the unforgettable Ricky Gutierrez. This season the Red Sox have a new man in charge at Short an his name is Edgar Renteria who should fit in well with the Sox lineup that led the majors with a .472 slugging percentage and 942 runs, not to mention a .282 batting average.
In only the second time in Major League Baseball history, two men who are over forth are facing off in a season opener.
``I love it,'' Wells said. ``If you don't want to be in that game, you don't want to play baseball.''
The Red Sox last season won the Season Series 11-8 and the Playoff series 4-3, it is going to be a wild ride this season for the greatest rivalry in all of sports.
It's only been 164 days since the Sox shocked the world and defeated the Yankees and chants of 1918 would no longer be heard. But that was then this is now, and now it is time for the 2005 season.
Material from the Associated Press was used in this report.
Friday, April 01, 2005
You have got to be kidding me
By John Chagaris, College AP
April 1, 2005
"You have got to be kidding me."
That was my reaction after watching the final episode of my Big Fat Obnoxious Boss from To view this episode go to click here, then click on episodes and Episode 10
I do not feel that is would be right for me to give away the identity of the Boss but when I heard rumors that it was anybody from Trump to Omarosa, I dropped my Propel when I learned who the boss was and how the boss decided who won and who was eliminated each week. Oh and forget a $250,000 prize as was originally talked about, a combined total of $550.000 was given out in prize money. If you want a shock view this, it is just ashame that this never aired on Fox but it is worth watching it online if you have 40 minutes.
Now this is a sports blog so let us get back to business, what was up with that Dunk and three point contest last night. Wow, if you did not see it, ESPN is running a replay tomorrow (Saturday) at 3 pm est. make sure you watch it.
This weekend (Saturday through Tuesday), yes I understand that for most people the weekend ends on Sunday but, is pure madness. March Madness comes to an end, and to add to the madness on Sunday night on ESPN2 BASEBALL'S BACK!!!!!!!
A huge Chags and congratulations goes out to Yukon men's head coach Jim Calhoun and Syracuse men's head coach Jim Boeheim have been voted into the National Basketball Hall of Fame. The only surprise to me and a lot of people is that Dominique Wilkins was denied to be in the hall.
Also what has happened to Colorado, I swear ever since Woody left Denver to come to NYC that state has gone down hill. Why you may ask? Well allow me to tell you, the Denver Nuggets have been banned from Vegas, and Colorado Rockies pitcher Shawn Chacon was thrown out of a Nuggets v. Suns game. Does anybody know how hard it is to be thrown out of a NBA Basketball game. Usually you have to throw something to be thrown out.
Right now it looks like the radio announer for the Clippers, Mel Proctor, will get the TV announcing job for the Washington Nationals. If I was incharge of hiring I would not hire Mel but instead hire Sean McDonough, but I think Sean has an ESPN baseball contract but I do not have that confirmed nor do I know that for an absolute fact.
How sad is it that a horrible show like Tilt got higher ratings than NHL games that were typically in that slot. Can we say pathetic, people would rather watch Poker than hockey. I'm guessing that the NHL with this news will Flop into the River and Turn.
That's the blog for today leave some,