Super Bowl Preview, Blitz Preview, Triple Play preview
Well let me start with my Super Bowl Preview, the spread as of 7 and I'm going to not take that since I think that the Patriots will win by a Field Goal and the Over/Under is now up to 48 and I am going to say over.
And here is your Bobcat Blitz preview for ths episode which will air on Monday, but taped on Saturday;

1)And the News is this, The Los Angeles Lakers are without a head coach. Just the other day former head coach Rudy Tomjanovich resigned as head coach of the Lakers citing health reasons as the reason. Guys how will the rest of the season go for the Lakers?
Follow up; Rumors are flying that Phil Jackson might make a return, will that be a good move for the Lakers.
Follow up; is that a good move for Jackson.
2) Earlier this week George Steinbrenner met with A-Rod and told him that he needed to be a leader. Guys do you think that he needs to be a leader?
3) Yogi Berra is suing TBS because of their Sex in the City ad campaign in which people were asked to define yoga and the choices were; “A type of yo-yo trick. B. Sex with Yogi Berra or C. What Samantha has with a guy from yoga class. Do you agree that this will make people look down on Yogi?
4) Our sources at have informed us that Gary Payton continues to demand a trade to a Western Conference team even through the Celtics are in a playoff race. How will this effect the Celtics down the stretch?
Follow up; Should Gary be traded and to whom?

1) Can you see anything higher than a sweet sixteen finish for the Boston College Eagles?
2) How many home runs will Sammy Sosa hit this season?
3) Do the Colts need to keep Edgerrin James?
4) Larry Brown has stated that coaching the Detroit Pistons will be his last coaching job? Can you see Brown coaching another team in the future?

1) Guys who will win the NBA West?
2) Who or which team was the biggest surprise this year in the National Football League?
3) Guys, two football players who are rumored to announce their retirement are Bret Farve and Emmitt Smith, guys for the game who had a better career?
Starting next week we will have a Triple Play Preview and a Triple Play recap, for those who aren't at QU, Triple Play is my Radio show on WQAQ 98.1 am from 9-11 am every Friday. Catch the Rock Jock, Chaggy, and Scrappy as we talk about sports.
If you have time today please read Bill Plaschke's latest column;,1,5088784.column?coll=la-headlines-sports
I have two showdown submissions for, but I still need some more.
And for a certain reader who lives right near St. Louis, MO give me a call, it's about the Cardinals game on June 8th.
We are now selling copies of Bobcat blitz via each DVD costs $5 which will help cover shipping, unless you ask very nicely and I can see what I can do to get it to you for free.
How about that Duke game last night, damn Wake Forest
Guys tonight at 9 pm, EST make sure that you watch ESPN2 as Beloit faces Grinnell. Grinnell is a fast pased team who lives by the three. How many points do they score you ask, well let us put it this way, they once lost a game when they scored 149 points.
That's the blog for today, leave some love,
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