It's sunday so it's time for a pure Chags and Zags collumn
Zags to, I know that it's a great cause but they wouldn't let me use my Visa checkcard to make a purchase. Calling all readers out there if you have an extra one I'll buy it off of you.
Cheers to Jim Edmonds for getting career home run number 300, way to go Jim
Cheers to Kobe Bryant for getting that case thrown out, we all know that you had sex with her but most of us agree that you didn't rape her. THe only person who won in this case was your wife who got all that gold from you.
Cheers to LSU for winning their season opener in overtime, but we all know that USC were the real champions last year
Zags to the NCAA for staying with this BCS format after last year we saw how much it sucks.
Zags to ESPN for only having Flute's hail mary being the number 9th moment of all time, that had to be higher than #9 because nobody expected that to happen, go Eagles.
Zags to my "wife" Maria Sharapova for being ousted in the third round of the US Open, I'm glad that I didn't buy tickets for the US Open finals.
Chags to De La Salle High School, even through their winning streak was snapped it was still a 12 year winning streak. YOu talk about a school owning a sport well this town owned Washington football.
Chags to this picture, it gives a whole new meaning to Yankees Suck.

Zags to people out there who think that the Jets have a chance of making the playoffs, the Patriots will be the only team coming from the AFC East
Chags to the Cardinals for yet another impressive win last night, the magic number is down to 12 Baby!
Zags to yahoo for this statment
LSU gets lucky, barely beats BeaversA lot of times it better to be lucky than good.
Zags to TV Guide for putting Curtis Martin on the cover in the Boston Market of Conn. Where is Brady?
In a funny note Mike Wallace was arrested after he lnged at two police officers asking why his limo was double parked, the nerve of these officers. Why won't they arrest Barbra Walters or anybody else on the view besides Hasselbeck.
That's the Chag and Zags for Sunday, Catch you guys on Tuesday after the holiday, have a safe Labor Day.
At 3:20 PM,
Justin said…
about that picture... I aint sayin nothin, but that aint right
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