And now for some Jeers and Cheers, maybe
Well my friends at TV Guide have told me that I can no longer use the tag lines Jeers and Cheers so I've recreated Jeers and Cheers and made it Chaggs and Zags.
Chaggs to the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, where did this momentum boost come from? Before you know it these guys are going to go and pass the Red Sox for second place in the AL East
Zags to the Boston Red Sox. Can these guys win at all. Nomar needs to be traded, get rid of him he doesn't want to be there. Get Pokey back at short, youks at Third.
Zags to Tito (the Sox manager), why do you have Kevin Millar or David Ortiz at First Base? And why are you playing Millar at all, did he catch you cheating on your wife or something. He's horriable and the only good thing he's good for is that he's a leader, well make him a coach but don't let him play. tito you also need to have Dave McCarty play first base, he can field and hit which is more than Bozo the clown AKA Kevin Millar can say. What hair do is next, the Donald Trump Look.
Chaggs to the Pittsburgh Pirates for their sweep over the red hot St. Louis Cardinals, I'm shocked I didn't think this could happen, but don't worry the Cards are still going to win the NL Central
Zags to NBC sports who are covering Wimbledon, they gave results to the matches that were about to be shown on ESPN, thanks for ruining my day since I canceled plans to watch Sprems match the other day, ok so maybe I have a thing for Sprem but have you seen her?
that's the blog for today, leave some
At 2:09 PM,
cerri said…
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At 4:20 PM,
Justin said…
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At 4:32 PM,
Justin said…
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