The Trip from can I say Hell
I'm going to not have a sports blog today to share with you guys the vacation from hell.
This past weekend was supposted to be a fun trip to Cape Cod to relax and escape the pressures of everyday life, well that plan was quickly thrown out the window. My family leaves on Friday morning early so that we can beat the traffic because the bridge to Cape Cod can be horriable late in the day, so we're off and then all of a sudden we hear a boom, boom, boom, and wouldn't you know it we blew our back tire out. I mean we have pictures of this thing and I don't know how we didn't spin out. So I get out since my dad wasn't able to change a tire, due to he just had dialysis an hour earlier, so I change the tire and guess what the damn spare tire is flat. So off to call Liberty Road Side assistance to see if they can get a tow truck over here, then we also called 911. Well needless to say that 3.5 hours later we finally had a tow truck. So off to a gas station to see if we can get a new tire and a new spare, well the first place we go, well let me back up. I have a family of 4 and you had to see 5 of us inside of a tow truck that was built to hold only 3 people. So we all by some act of God fit in the tow truck so we go off to the first place, and we see that there are no cars so we figure great, we can be back on the road quickly, well we ask the guy can you take us in, and the moron says sure but I can't work on the car for 3 hours. We look around and we still don't see any cars, so we repackage ourselves into the tow truck and we drive down to another place where they take us right in and they order the tires and that takes another 2 hours. So we finally take off and then we hit Boston, well we forget the damn DNC (Democratic National Convention) is in town and that tied up that bridge for an hour or so. So finally after that we're off and we're flying down to the cape and then we hit Cape Cod traffic, 2 hours it took to get over the bridge to Cape Cod, keeping in mind that we were supposted to meet a friend of my dad's at 6 for dinner, wrong that didn't happen, more like Ice Cream at 9:30. Anyway after that ice cream we go to the hotel from hell. I swear my bed at home is bigger than the beds in this hotel, so needless to say I slept on the cold, rock hard, damp, floor.
So after a nice 30 minute night sleep we're off to breakfast with my dad's sister. And then a family reunion, since when do you invite neighbors to family reunions. Well with that being said my cousin, not the one in those pictures all the ninjas have seen, invited his neighbors over and wouldn't you know what a small world it is, one of my ex-girlfriends summer house would be right next door to my cousins. Oh that was a blast to say the least, I was so happy to see her again. Thankfully my family is very quick on their feet, well then again this person I'm about to talk about wasn't family. I'm going to my car to check on the Sox game and my ex walks out with me to try to start up a conversation. Then this girl from the reunion, who for the record isn't related to me, comes out and wants to know why Sarah, my ex, is talking to her boyfriend. Then all hell broke loose, I just sat back and watched, I was complaining about Sarah the whole time and then this person comes to my rescue. Which was the only bright spot of the whole vacation. I was just happy to get her number.
So that night my family goes to a stakehouse, wouldn't you know it but my piece of prime rib wasn't cooked and I got sick.
This morning, after another nice night sleep on the floor, I wake up and I'm ready to go to Martha's vineyard wrong. The forecast said that the water may be too chopy so they didn't want to send any boats out. So my vacation very quickly ended and my family packed up and returned from the vacation from hell.
At 5:07 PM,
cerri said…
sounds like much fun
At 6:14 PM,
Justin said…
What a blast. Ex-girlfriends can be a blast :p
oooh, shameless plug time...
At 8:00 PM,
Justin said…
oh yeah, you can say hell...
At 4:42 PM,
cerri said…
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